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  • What is the purpose of the Campaign?
    To raise funds to construct a new Sanctuary and Parrish Hall addition.
  • What is the goal of the capital campaign?
    To help the congregation more accurately determine resources available as we enter into the construction of our new Sanctuary and Parrish Hall Faculties.
  • How much will I be asked to give?
    Each person will prayerfully consider how much they would like to commit to the campaign over the next three years. This will be your personal decision to make.
  • When will campaign pledges begin?
    First gifts will begin on January 7th, but donations can be made anytime. If people would like to give for tax purposes prior the end of the year that is fine too.
  • What is the cost of the new addition?
    With the knowledge of the committed amount, the congregation will be given the opportunity to vote on the size and scope of the addition.
  • Will the amount raised in the capital campaign determine how much money will be borrowed to finance the building of the new church?
    With the knowledge of committed money to be raised in the capital campaign the congregation can determine how they would like to proceed with the building project (size, phases, degrees of completion, etc.) (mortgage/debt free)
  • Will the congregation get to vote on the final construction plan?
    Yes, there will be a voter's meeting to approve final plans.
  • Is my campaign commitment above and beyond my regular giving?
    Yes, your commitment over the three-year period will be in addition to your regular financial support of our congregation.
  • Will there be a way to contribute to the campaign anonymously?
    We will work with our financial institution to determine the best way to achieve this.
  • When will the congregation vote on the building plans?
    Armed with the knowledge of financial resources available to the congregation for building. The congregation can determine size/scale of completion of the project. The architects can then finalize renderings for voter approval.
  • When will construction begin?
    After size and scale are determined by the congregation. The architects will complete mechanical drawing and city approval can take place. Approximately mid to late summer.
  • What if I have more questions?
    Any questions not answered here may be submitted to the church office ( or 970-867-5721) or Jennifer Rhode ( or 970-768-2950). There are also question forms on the table by the worship space.
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